Meade Binoculars CV 5 User Manual

CV-5 8 x 42 Digital Camera Binocular  
Quick Start................................................................................ 4  
Features.................................................................................... 7  
Introduction .............................................................................. 9  
How to Use Your Binocular ......................................................10  
Adjust Eye Relief, Adjust the Barrels ..................................10  
Focus the Binocular ..............................................................11  
Insert Batteries..........................................................................12  
Camera Modes ........................................................................13  
Using Buttons and Moving through Menus ..............................14  
Taking a Picture ........................................................................15  
Capturing Video ........................................................................16  
Other Menu Options ................................................................18  
Use Flashback ......................................................................18  
Some suggestions for using Flashback ................................19  
Delete Images, Format Storage Media ................................20  
Change Resolution................................................................21  
Change the Exposure Setting ..............................................22  
Use the Setting Menu, Set the Current Time and Date ........23  
Adjust the Beep, Turn Menu Display Icons On or Off............24  
Record the Date Stamp ........................................................24  
Select the Flicker Rate, Set the Flashback Period................25  
Select the Factory Default Settings ......................................25  
Mass Storage, Card Present, Battery Life ............................26  
Install the Image Editing Software ........................................27  
Other Software and System Requirements..............................28  
Maintenance and Troubleshooting............................................29  
Quick Start  
How to start taking pictures...  
DSC Icon  
Install 2 AA batteries.  
(Not included.)  
Turn on camera.  
Press and hold down Menu  
button for 3 seconds.  
Select the Still Camera Mode.  
Press Menu button. Use Right and Left buttons to move the selection box over  
the DSC icon. Press the Menu button. Press the Shutter button to exit menu.  
Point at something interesting and press the Shutter button.  
You’ve taken a picture!  
Quick Start  
How to use Flashback...  
Have you ever wanted to record just the play of  
the game (your daughter kicking the winning  
goal) or capture just the highlight of an event  
(your son receiving his diploma)?  
Use Flashback when you want to capture video  
of short activities like these—without using up  
all your memory. You can enter the record mode  
for as long as you like, but using Flashback,  
you’ll only save the last 10 seconds of video (or  
if you prefer, you can also select 5, 15 or 20  
seconds of recording time from the Flashback  
Period menu option).  
Turn on camera.  
Press and hold down Menu  
button for 3 seconds.  
Select the Flashback Mode.  
Press Menu button. Use the Right or Left button to move the selection box  
over the Flashback icon. Press the Menu button to enter Flashback mode..  
Point at an interesting activity and press the Shutter button to enter  
the record mode.  
Press the Shutter button again to stop recording.  
CaptureView has recorded only the last 10 seconds of the activity. See USE  
18, 19 and 25 for more information.  
Quick Start  
How to download your pictures...  
USB Cable  
Plug in.  
Connect CaptureView to your PC or Mac (OS 9.0  
or higher) using the included USB cable.  
Sit back and relax a minute.  
CaptureView automatically installs on your PC.  
No drivers are needed.  
Install Ulead Photo Express.  
Insert the CD, click on Ulead Photo Express  
and follow the on-screen instructions.  
Enjoy your photos.  
Open Ulead Photo Express to view, edit  
and print your pictures.  
Fig. 1:Top View  
1. Diopter Scale (on  
underside of right  
2. SD Card Port  
3. Eyepiece  
4. Menu Button  
5. Shutter Button  
6. Left Button  
7. Right Button  
8. LCD Screen  
9. Objective Lens  
10. Camera Lens  
(not visible, see Fig. 2)  
11. Barrel  
12. USB Port  
13. Battery Compartment  
Lid (see Fig. 2)  
14. Focus knob (not visible,  
see Fig. 2)  
c 1@  
d b  
Fig. 1  
Fig. 2: Bottom View  
1. Diopter Scale  
10. Camera Lens  
(not visible)  
13. Battery  
Compartment Lid  
(squeeze and pull  
back to remove)  
14. Focus knob  
Fig. 2  
Congratulations on purchasing the Meade® CaptureView® CV-5. CV-5 is an  
8 x 42mm full-featured binocular. It is integrated with a digital camera that requires no  
film to capture pictures or video. This manual is designed to quickly guide you  
through the operation of your CaptureView CV-5. For best results, take a few  
moments to become familiar with the operation of your device, and save the manual  
for future reference.  
A few of CaptureView’s many features:  
Fully functional binocular.  
Digital camera that captures pictures and video.  
Color LCD display panel allows you to easily navigate the operational menus.  
Flashback feature allows you to easily record just the highlight of an activity.  
Important Note:  
Images and video are saved in flash memory. This means that all images and  
video are still saved when the batteries are depleted or removed.  
Be sure CaptureView is off before changing batteries.  
WARNING! Never use your binocular to look at the Sun! Looking at or near  
the Sun will cause instant and irreversible damage to your eye. Eye damage is  
often painless, so there is no warning to the observer that damage has occurred  
until it is too late. Do not point the binocular at or near the Sun. Children should  
always have adult supervision while observing.  
How to Use Your Binocular  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
Adjust Eye Relief  
If you wear eyeglasses, fold down  
the rubber eyecups and hold the  
eyepieces up against your glasses.  
Fold down  
1. Hold CaptureView up to your eyes in  
the normal viewing position. Use  
Adjust the Barrels  
both hands to hold each barrel firmly.  
2. Pull the barrels apart or push the  
barrels together until you see a  
single circular field with both of your  
You need to adjust the barrels, as the  
distance between your eyes is usually  
different than the distance between  
another person’s eyes.  
How to Use Your Binocular  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
Focus the Binocular  
1. Set the Diopter Scale on underside  
of CaptureView at its center point  
between “+” and “-.”  
2. Choose an object (such as a  
telephone pole) that is at least 50  
feet (15m.) away.  
3. Looking with only your left eye,  
rotate the Focus Knob until the  
object you are viewing is focused.  
4. Looking with only your right eye,  
rotate the Diopter Scale until the  
object you are viewing is focused.  
5. Now, looking with both eyes, rotate  
the Focus Knob to focus on both far  
and near objects.  
Focus knob  
Diopter scale  
Install Batteries  
CaptureView performs best under good lighting conditions. Take some time to  
practice capturing still pictures and video. Depending on the available light and your  
distance from the object, captured images may not appear as bright or centered as  
viewed through the binoculars. CaptureView has a fixed focus (you cannot focus the  
camera manually) and takes focused pictures even if the image in the binoculars is  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
Insert Batteries  
1. Squeeze and pull back the battery  
compartment lid to open.  
2. Insert 2 AA 1.5v (user-supplied)  
batteries into the compartment,  
noting the correct polarity as  
illustrated inside the compartment.  
You can turn off the LCD manually  
to save battery power: While in  
Preview mode only (this feature  
does not operate in Menu mode),  
hold down the Left and Right  
buttons at the same time.  
Conserve Battery Power  
Note: If you do not press any of  
the buttons, the camera will  
automatically shut off after  
2 minutes to save energy.  
However, you will be able to  
continue taking pictures or movies  
using the Shutter button.  
Press the Left and Right buttons at  
the same time again to turn the  
LCD screen back on again.  
Camera Modes  
CaptureView provides three modes: Menu, Preview (Still, Movie and Flashback) and  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
Use the Preview mode  
When you first turn on the camera or  
when you exit the Menu mode, the  
Preview mode is operational and the  
LCD screen displays a live image. The  
Preview mode has three options to  
choose from: Still, Movie and  
Flashback. Use this mode to take pic-  
tures or movies. See TAKE A PICTURE,  
pages 15, 16 and 18 for more  
Press the Menu button to enter the  
Menu mode, which displays the menu  
and menu options. Use the Menu mode  
to select and activate CaptureView’s  
many features.  
Select the Menu mode  
Select the Playback mode from the  
CaptureView menus. Use this mode to  
review the pictures or movies you have  
taken. See PLAYBACK, page 17, for  
more information.  
Select the Playback mode  
Using Buttons and Moving Through Menus  
If you want to...  
Turn on the Camera  
Display Menus  
Do this...  
Press and hold the Menu button for 3  
to 5 seconds to turn on the camera.  
Press the Menu button to display the  
Use the Right and Left buttons to move  
the red selection box right or left over  
menus or menu options.  
Move the Red Selection Box  
through the Menus  
Select a Menu or Menu Option  
When the box is over a menu or a menu  
option you wish to select, press the  
Menu button.  
Go Back to the Last Displayed  
Select “Back” from a menu and press  
the Menu button to go back to the last  
displayed menu.  
Exit the Menus or the Playback  
Press the Shutter button to exit the  
menus or the Playback mode.  
Taking a Picture  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
Take a Still Picture  
1. Lift up the LCD to an upright  
position. Press and hold the Menu  
button for 3 to 5 seconds to turn on  
the camera. Point the binoculars and  
images will appear on the LCD.  
2. Press the Menu button again and a  
menu screen displays on the LCD.  
Use the Right or Left button to move  
the red selection box over the  
Digital Still Camera (DSC) option.  
Press the Menu button to select  
DSC and the main menu displays  
Note: When you are in the  
Preview mode, you can capture  
pictures or video.  
3. Use the Right or Left button to move  
the selection box over Exit and press  
the Menu button to leave the menu  
mode. You may also press the  
Shutter button to exit from the  
Note: When you take a picture, a  
beep sounds and “Saving...dis-  
plays. The counter in the upper  
right corner of the LCD increases  
by one.  
4. You are now in the Preview mode.  
5. Hold CaptureView steady and press  
the Shutter button—you’ve taken a  
Capturing Video  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
1. Lift up the LCD to an upright  
position. Press and hold the Menu  
button for 3 to 5 seconds to turn on  
the camera. Point the binoculars and  
images will appear on the LCD.  
Capture Video  
2. Press the Menu button again and a  
menu screen displays on the LCD.  
Use the Right or Left button to move  
the red selection box over the Movie  
option. Press the Menu button to  
select the Movie option and the main  
menu displays again.  
Note: The length of a movie  
depends on how much memory you  
have available. Audio recording is  
not available with this camera.  
3. Use the Right or Left button to move  
the selection box over Exit and press  
the Menu button to leave the menu  
mode. You are now in the Preview  
4. Hold CaptureView steady and press  
the Shutter button. You are now  
capturing video. To stop, press the  
Shutter button again.  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
Playback Images  
To playback your captured images:  
1. To see the image(s) that you have  
captured, move the selection box to  
the Playback menu (the right  
pointing triangle icon) and press the  
Menu button.  
Note: A counter appears at the  
upper left. If the counter reads 3/5,  
for example, it means the third of  
five items.  
2. The last image you captured  
displays. Use the Right or Left  
button to scroll through your  
captured images or movies.  
A movie counts as one item.  
3. Select the Exit menu and press the  
Menu button to leave this mode.  
Other Menu Options  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
Use Flashback  
For example, you may want to record a  
baseball pitcher throwing a pitch:  
This feature is very useful when you  
wish to capture a short activity, but  
are not sure when it will begin.  
1. Select the Settings menu and press  
the Menu button.  
2. Select the Flashback Period submenu  
and press the Menu button.  
Select 10 seconds and press the  
Menu button.  
3. Select Back. Press the Menu button.  
4. Select Flashback and press the Menu  
5. Press the Shutter button to begin  
recording while the pitcher prepares.  
After the pitcher throws the ball, click  
on the Shutter button again to turn off  
recording. “Saving” displays on the  
LCD screen.” You’ll have saved only  
the last ten seconds of the pitcher’s  
6. Select Playback mode to review your  
movie. If you wish to perform another  
flashback recording, just press the  
Shutter button to begin recording  
again. Choose another setting from  
the menu to exit this mode.  
This feature captures video for a user-  
selected period of time (5, 10, 15 or 20  
seconds). Select the Flashback menu  
icon and press the Menu button to  
activate recording. You can record for  
as long as you like, but you will only  
save a recording for the period of time  
you have selected.  
For example, if you chose 10 seconds,  
only the last ten seconds of the  
recording will remain in memory and  
be saved—the rest of the recording is  
To select a period of time, go to the  
Flashback Period submenu (located in  
the Settings menu; see FLASHBACK  
PERIOD, page 25). The camera  
remembers the last setting you choose  
in this menu.  
Other Menu Options  
Some suggestions for using Flashback  
Let’s say your daughter is on the varsity basketball team. And right now, she’s  
dribbling down the court. You’d like to capture her patented hook shot on video.  
This is a job for Flashback.  
Select Flashback with a recording period of 10 seconds and press the shutter  
button as she sets off down court. The ball is passed back and forth, and is  
kicked out of bounds. But don’t touch the Shutter button just yet to stop the  
recording. Keep following the action.  
An opponent puts the ball back into play, your daughter steals the pass.....she  
sets....she shoots.....skyhook....she scores! Now press the Shutter button to stop  
the recording. The last ten seconds has been saved to video. Everything else—  
all the unimportant activity—is discarded.  
Using this method, you can record 7 or 8 of the best plays of the game (or more  
if you use a user-supplied flash card).  
Or let’s say your last name begins with “J” and your son is graduating from col-  
lege. The Dean begins calling the “J’s.Select 20 seconds from the Flashback  
Period option in the Settings menu. Press the Shutter button to start recording.  
Finally the big moment arrives, it’s your young man’s moment in the sun. After he  
accepts his diploma and high fives the dean, press the Shutter button again and  
you’ll have this unforgettable memory saved to video.  
Other Menu Options  
If you want to...  
Do this....  
Use Other Playback Options  
While in Playback mode, press the  
Menu button once to display  
Playback setting submenus.  
Besides playing back images and  
video, the Playback menu provide  
other options:  
Select “Back” to exit to Preview  
Delete Last Image, Delete All Images  
and Format.  
Delete Last Image  
Select the "Delete Last Image" menu  
to erase the last image or movie dis-  
played in Playback mode.  
• Select "Delete All Images" menu to  
erase all the images and movies.  
Delete All Images  
Choose “Yes” to erase and format  
the SD/MMC card. If you are using a  
new SD/MMC card, use this option  
to format your card.  
Format Storage Media  
Other Menu Options  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
1.Use the Right or Left button to  
move the selection box over the  
Resolution menu (the "2M" icon)  
and press the Menu button to dis-  
Change Resolution  
CaptureView provides four resolution  
settings (displayed as 3M, 2M,  
1M or VGA in the menus or as stars  
in the viewing mode). You can  
take more pictures in the VGA mode  
than in the 1, 2 or 3 megapixel  
2. Use the Right or Left button to  
move the selection box to the  
desired Resolution option. Press  
the Menu button to select the  
option. The main menu displays  
(4 Stars) 3 megapixels  
mode (2048 x 1536). This  
mode interpolates images  
to 3 megapixel resolution.  
Note: Be careful to hold the  
camera steady while taking a  
picture in the higher resolution  
modes. The camera is more  
sensitive to motion at higher  
(3 Stars) 2 megapixels  
mode (1600 x 1200). Default.  
(2 Stars) I megapixel mode  
(1280 x 960).  
(1 Star) VGA Resolution  
mode (640 x 480).  
Other Menu Options  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
Change the Exposure Setting  
Select Auto to allow CaptureView to  
automatically select dark-light expo-  
sure of the image. Normally, you will  
use this setting.  
The Exposure menu provides  
two options: Auto and  
Select Backlight to choose an expo-  
sure that has less contrast than the  
Auto setting.  
Note: Experiment with these setting  
to find the exposure that works for  
Other Menu Options  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
Move the selection box over the  
Settings Menu icon and press the  
Menu button to display the Settings  
Use the Setting Menu Options  
The Settings menu provides the  
following options: Time and Date,  
Beep, Info Display, Date Stamp,  
Flicker, Flashback Period and  
Set the Current Time and Date  
1. Choose the Time and Date icon to  
set the current time and date. Use  
the Right and Left buttons to scroll  
through the settings on each line of  
the clock menu.  
The year, month, day, hour, and  
minute settings are displayed in  
this menu.  
2. Press the Menu button once the  
desired setting is displayed. This will  
enable the setting and move you to  
the next line. When you press the  
Menu button in the Minute line, you  
will exit the menu.  
Other Menu Options  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
Adjust the Beep  
Choose this icon to turn the beep on  
or off.  
Turn Menu Display Icons On or  
Choose the Info Display icon and  
select On to display the icons of the  
menu options you have chosen on  
the LCD when in viewing mode.  
Choose the Info Display icon and  
select Off to turn off menu icons on  
the LCD (giving you a more unob-  
structed view on the LCD).  
Choose the Date Stamp icon and  
then select On to record the date  
stamp (the current time and date)  
while taking still pictures. The date  
appears in the lower right corner of  
all pictures.  
Record the Date Stamp  
Choose the Date Stamp icon and  
then select Off when you do not  
wish to record the date stamp.  
Other Menu Options  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
Choose the Flicker icon and then  
select the flicker rate setting (50Hz  
or 60Hz) for your country. The flicker  
rate for the United States is 60Hz.  
Select the Flicker Rate  
Set the Flashback Period  
Choose the Flashback Period icon  
and then select the length of time  
you wish the Flashback feature to  
record: 5, 10, 15 or 20 seconds.  
page 18, for more informa-  
Choose the Default icon to change  
all the menu option settings back to  
the factory defaults.  
Select the Factory Default  
Other LCD Icons  
This icon displays...  
To provide this information...  
Mass Storage  
You are downloading pictures or  
video to a PC.  
Card Present  
Note: You cannot load to  
a Unix system using  
the camera's USB port—this port  
only can download to Windows  
OS or Mac OS 9.0 or higher.  
An SD card is in the camera.  
To load or eject memory card:  
Press the card in and release when  
you hear a click. The card may be  
read by any flash card reader. By  
using a flash card reader, you can  
also download your images to a  
Macintosh using an OS earlier than  
9.0 or to a Unix system. When using  
a flash card reader, the flash card  
looks like a hard drive to your com-  
Note: If you wish to copy files to  
or from your flash card, make  
sure you change the Read-Write  
setting on the flash card to  
Note: You may have to change  
the drive letter using your PC's  
Disk Management function if the  
flash card tries to use a drive let-  
ter that is already in use (e.g., E:).  
Note: If you are using a Mac OS 9.0  
or higher, drag the memory card  
icon to the trash before  
disconnecting the USB cable.  
Battery Life  
Installing Software  
If you want to...  
Do this...  
1. Insert supplied CD Rom into your  
PC’s drive.  
Install Image Editing Software  
(Ulead Photo Express)  
2. A splash screen displays. Click on  
“Ulead Photo Express.”  
3. Follow on-screen instructions.  
4. After you click “Finish,the Ulead  
Photo Express icon appears on your  
5. Double-click the icon to launch  
the program. You can now view, edit  
and print your images. Photo  
Express allows you to browse the  
camera's memory as if it were a  
hard drive.  
Note: If you are connected  
to the internet and you click  
on the Meade logo on the  
splash screen, you will go to  
Other Software  
The included CD ROM contains other software programs by Ulead that will assist you  
in editing your images, allow you to transfer images to email, and provide you with  
other useful functions. Ulead Photo Express , Photo Explorer, and Cool 360 , and  
CaptureView Manager are proprietary programs, and may not be sold, licensed or  
distributed without the express written consent of Ulead. For more information about  
Ulead Photo Express, visit the Ulead website at Click on the  
"Product Documents" link in the Download section of their homepage to find a link for  
the Photo Express manual.  
Ulead , Cool 360 and Photo Express are trademarks or registered trademarks of Ulead Systems, Inc. in the  
United Staes and/or other countries.  
System Requirements  
Windows 98SE/Win Me/Win 2000/Win XP.  
200MHz (or equivalent) processor or faster.  
64MB of RAM free over System requirements.  
Video (VGA) card with 2MB of RAM for minimum 16-bit (High Color) display.  
4x CD-ROM drive.  
USB port (1.1).  
600MB of free hard drive space.  
If you have questions regarding your PC system specifications, please contact your  
PC manufacturer.  
For the latest firmware updates and technical assistance, go to:  
Care of Your CaptureView  
1. Never immerse CaptureView in liquid. Remove dust or stains with a soft cloth  
dampened with water or neutral detergent. Keep in a dry, cool dust-free  
environment or a container when it is not being used.  
Do not spray liquid cleaners directly onto LCD. Using only gentle pressure, wipe  
the LCD with a slightly dampened cleaning cloth.  
2. To conserve battery life, remove batteries after downloading images to a  
computer. There is continual battery drainage even when CaptureView is turned  
off. Be sure CaptureView is off before changing batteries.  
3. Avoid dropping CaptureView. Do not disassemble CaptureView.  
It is very important to use the following connection and disconnection  
procedures to download pictures.  
1. Only connect CaptureView to your PC when the PC is on and Windows has  
completed loading.  
2. Your CaptureView camera and PC must be connected before running the  
CaptureView Manager program.  
3. Avoid physically connecting, disconnecting and reconnecting the camera during a  
download session. Instead, disconnect the camera using Windows software: Right-  
click the USB on-screen icon and select disconnect (or connect to  
4. Always disconnect CaptureView before shutting down the PC.  
If CaptureView is unexpectedly not recognized by the software program, close the  
program, disconnect the camera and reboot your PC. Only connect and disconnect  
your CaptureView using the procedure outlined in this section.  
If you are using a Mac OS 9.0 or higher, drag the memory card icon to the trash  
before disconnecting the USB cable.  
Binocular power  
Binocular objective lens diameter  
Binocular optical design  
Binocular close focus  
Folding roof prism, fully-coated  
16 ft.  
Camera Angle of view (diagonal)  
Binocular field of view  
367 ft. at 1000 yds.  
Image capture resolution  
1600 x 1200, 1280 x 1024,  
640 x 480, 24-bit color  
2.0 megapixel CMOS sensor  
Number of images at each resolution  
(Built-in Memory, average  
subject matter)  
2 megapixels:* Up to 40  
1 megapixel: Up to 60  
VGA: Up to 120  
*3 megapixels (with software interpolation):  
Up to 20  
Max length of movie  
Camera aperture  
Camera optimum range  
35mm lens equivalent  
Memory (Built-in)  
90 seconds  
f/4.0; fixed lens  
66 ft. (20m) to infinity  
16MB SDRAM, 16MB flash  
Memory (External)  
Supported formats: Secure Digital (SD),  
Multi-Media Cards (MMC) up to 256MB  
Operating Environment  
41° to 104° F (5° to 40° C), 20%-85%  
relative humidity, non-condensing.  
Operating system requirements  
Interface type  
Windows 98SE/2000/Me/XP  
Preview display  
Color LCD  
26 oz. (746g)  
Product dimensions  
Battery (user supplied)  
4.9" W x 3.25" H x 5.75" D  
Two x AA 1.5v  
USB cable, instructions, neck strap  
cleaning cloth, carry case, CD ROM  
Every Meade binocular/digital camera is warranted by Meade Instruments Corporation (“Meade”)  
to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of  
original purchase in the U.S.A. and Canada. At its option, Meade will repair or replace the prod-  
uct, or part thereof, found upon inspection by Meade to be defective, provided the defective part  
or product is returned to Meade, freight prepaid, with proof of purchase. This warranty applies to  
the original purchaser only and is non-transferable. Meade products purchased outside North  
America are not included in this warranty, but are covered under separate warranties issued by  
Meade International Distributors.  
RGA Number Required: Prior to the return of any product or part, a Return Goods Authorization  
(RGA) number must be obtained from Meade by writing, or by calling Meade Customer Service at  
(800) 62-MEADE. Each returned part or product must include a written statement detailing the  
nature of the claimed defect, as well as the owner’s name, address, and phone number.  
This warranty is not valid in cases where the product has been abused or mishandled, where  
unauthorized repairs have been attempted or performed, or where depreciation of the product is  
due to normal wear-and tear. Meade specifically disclaims special, indirect, or consequential dam-  
ages or lost profit, which may result from a breach of this warranty. Any implied warranties which  
cannot be disclaimed are hereby limited to a term of one year from the date of original retail pur-  
This warranty gives you specific rights.You may have other rights which vary from state to state.  
Meade reserves the right to change product specifications or to discontinue productions without  
prior notice. This warranty supersedes all previous Meade binocular warranties.  
1. Carefully package your binocular/digital camera to avoid shipping damage; use a thick-walled  
carton box for mailing.  
2. Enclose a written statement detailing the exact nature of the service needed. Be sure to  
include the RGA number, your name, address, plus daytime and evening telephone numbers.  
3. Enclose $10.00 to cover handling and return-shipping, by check or money order payable to  
“Meade Instruments.Non-warranty repairs may entail additional charges which will be con-  
firmed with you before any binocular/digital camera repairs are initiated.  
4. Insure the package and send your binocular/digital camera, freight prepaid, to:  
Meade Instruments Corporation,  
Attn: Binocular/Digital Camera Repair  
6001 Oak Canyon, Irvine, California 92618  
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© 2004 Meade Instruments Corporation.  
A D V A N C E D P R O D U C T S D I V I S I O N  
Meade Instruments Corporation  
World’s Leading Manufacturer of Telescopes for the Serious Amateur  
6001 Oak Canyon, Irvine, California 92618 © 2004  
(949) 451-1450  
82-240-01010 v1.0 04/04  

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