NAD Stereo Amplifier S25 User Manual

S250 Multi-Channel Power Amplifier  
•125W x 5 Co n t in u o u s Po w e r (8 o h m s); a ll ch a n n e ls d rive n sim u lt a n e o u sly  
200W x 2 Co n t in u o u s Po w e r (8 o h m s); t w o ch a n n e ls d rive n sim u lt a n e o u sly  
Mo n o -b lo ck, Mo d u la r co n st ru ct io n • Diffe re n t ia l, Cla ss A in p u t circu it t o p o lo g y  
• Lo w lo ss, m a ssive Ho lm g re n * t o ro id a l m a in s t ra n sfo rm e r  
• In p u t g a in co n t ro l fo r e a ch in d ivid u a l ch a n n e l • All in p u t s Go ld Pla t e d RCA  
• So ft Clip p in g THX ce rt ifie d • 12V t rig g e r fo r a u t o m a t e d ON/OFF o p e ra t io n  
Producing a five-channel power amp of sufficient power for large Home  
Theatre layouts with enough reserves for lower sensitivity 5.1-channel speaker  
arrays, while maintaining the Silver Series’ very high standards for sonic  
excellence was a tough challenge. NAD elegantly met it with the S250, whose  
five fully independent 125-watt channels supply sufficient performance, stabil-  
ity and reliability to earn with ease the demanding THX Ultra certification.  
NAD was the first company to introduce a THX certified power amplifier. It  
was therefore no surprise the NAD S250 passed Lucas Films' stringent THX  
requirements with flying colours. As a result the NAD S250 will handle all  
dynamics with ease and yet retain every subtle detail in the most demanding  
THX Dolby Surround systems.  
The S250 incorporates NAD's unique defeatable Soft-Clipping circuitry for all  
five channels. Any amplifier can be overdriven if too much is asked of it (play-  
ing too loud, exceeding the maximum output power). Under such circum-  
stances, amplifiers will produce extremely high levels of distortion, which,  
besides sounding very unpleasant, can damage your loudspeakers. The Soft  
Clipping circuit will curtail such distortion and minimise the risk of damage  
to speakers. This is particularly important with AV software that often consists  
of very dynamic outbursts in which, unlike music, it is difficult to hear this  
potentially damaging distortion.  
The S250 employs monoblock construction for each of its five channels.  
Every element of each channels circuitry, save the power transformer, is fully  
independent, eliminating inter-channel influences as a concern. Like its stereo  
predecessor, the Silver Series S200, the five-channel S250 is stable and musi-  
cal even into "unreasonable" loudspeaker loads. An immense edition of NAD’s  
unique, extremely low-noise/low-hum "Holmgren" type power transformer—  
a significant advance over conventional toroid components—works in con-  
cert with five monoblock amplifier sections. Over 60,000 uF of storage capac-  
itance ensure an ample reserve of power for even the most demanding music  
and film soundtracks.  
Ruggedness and in-system reliability are critical to successful custom-installed  
systems. This amplifier utilises a combination of fuse and electronic non-  
intrusive protection: dependable, fail-safe, and sonically benign. Each channel  
is protected against excess temperature, DC fault and loudspeaker short-cir-  
cuit. Most important of all, the S250s inherently conservative, high-  
voltage/high-current output-stage engineering has been designed for years of  
high-performance, trouble-free service.  
Each section features pure-differential, fully Class A input and driver stage cir-  
cuits, and a high-current output-stage design, employing the same high speed  
output devices as used in the S200 to promulgate superb dynamic quality. The  
result is musical detail, impact, and soundstage stability and depth unmatched  
by multi-channel amps of two and three times the S250s price. NAD’s propri-  
etary Soft Clipping (defeatable) maintains sonic quality under even severe  
overdrive conditions.  
Individual gain adjustment for each channel promotes easy, accurate system  
configuration, as does the S250s integral 12V trigger turn-on response,  
which features a sophisticated "zero crossing" triad rather than the more  
common mechanical relay to promote long component life and reduced turn-  
on surge. The multi-channel amplifier delivers its output via very heavy-duty  
"five-way" connectors.  

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