Congratulations on purchasing this Acoustic Solutions’ integrated amplifier.
It has been developed following an extensive research and development
program that has culminated in what we regard as an exceptional mid-range
hi-fi product.
Safety Instructions
Front Panel Controls
Rear Panel connections
Installation and Position
Making the Connections
Using the Amplifier
Trouble Shooting
Our aim when designing this product was to produce a visually appealing
unit which would look comparable to higher priced products, and give an
exceptional performance to match.
Contact Details
We trust that this amplifier will give you hours of listening pleasure, and
provide years of unparalleled performance. As with any new electrical product
please be patient and allow at least 36 hours use before all components
have acclimatised themselves to your surroundings, and found their optimum
working temperature. Please do not operate this product at high volume levels
immediately after switching on.
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1. LCD DISPLAY. Will give an indication of volume position and input source
selected. Will also display other menu features as described on pages (7-13).
9. FUNCTION BUTTON. Allows access to menu features such as bass, treble,
balance, loudness, speakers on/off etc.
10. ROTARY CONTROL KNOB. This allows adjustment of parameters such
as volume, bass, treble, balance, loudness and speakers on/off etc.
11. HEADPHONE SOCKET. Stereo 6.4mm jack for use with most
12. LED POWER INDICATOR. Light will show green to indicate that the
SP101 is on. It will show red if the SP101 is in stand by mode set by the
optional remote control.
6. IR RECEPTOR. This can be used with optional 3 in 1 remote control which
is available. This controls Amplifier, DAB and CD player from one hand set.
13. POWER BUTTON. Switches mains power on/off to internal components,
however please note that mains power is still applied to this unit even though
this switch may be off.
7. DVD INPUT SELECTOR SWITCH. (stereo 2 channel only).
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1. WARNING LABELS. Please be aware that this unit contains high voltages, 6. DVD INPUT SOCKET. (2 channel stereo only).
and should not be opened, please refer to page 2 of this manual.
2. MAINS CABLE INLET POSITION. Please ensure that this cable strain relief
bush is intact and has not been damaged.
3. LOUDSPEAKER OUTPUTS. Please ensure that +/- connections are made
properly between rear of the SP101 amplifier and loudspeakers. Ensure wires
are not frayed or touching.
10. PHONO INPUT SOCKET. For the connection of a turntable.
4. LINE OUTPUT SOCKETS. This is for connection to external amplification 11. PHONO TERMINAL EARTH POST. It is necessary to provide a chassis
or recording equipment.
earth connection between the turntable and the amplifier. Failure to do this will
result in a buzzing or humming noise from the loudspeakers.
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This amplifier should be positioned on a flat stable surface. We would
recommend that the position of your hi-fi equipment should be chosen carefully
to provide adequate protection for this device, but also provide an attractive
There will be a corresponding pair of terminals on the rear of suitable
loudspeakers. These terminals should be connected together with adequate
quality speaker cables, taking care that the red terminal on the amplifier is
showcase for your investment. Hi-fi equipment is not designed to be moved connected to the red terminal on the loudspeaker. The same process should
often, therefore it is recommended that a permanent home for your hi-fi be occur for the black terminals. Care should be taken to ensure that no wires
achieved as soon as is possible.
have become frayed during this process, and subsequently could be touching
each other. This will cause a short circuit on the output stage of the amplifier,
and will result in a poor or distorted sound. Failure to rectify this problem may
result in long term damage to this unit.
As this amplifier is fitted with a powerful mains transformer, it is not
recommended that sensitive audio equipment such as turntables or cassette
decks be placed immediately next to it. Do not place the SP101 in areas of
direct sunlight, nor place it adjacent to a radiator or other heating appliances.
Position the loudspeakers a suitable distance away form the amplifier, gaining
enough distance to allow the stereo image to be achieved. Having the
Like all amplifiers the SP101 will generate a modest amount of heat. The loudspeakers too close to each other will not allow you to fully define the stereo
cooling of this device is reliant upon the flow of air through the chassis grilles
which are located on the top and bottom of the cabinet. Care should be taken
content of music played through the system, plus may result in poor sound
due to the cancellation properties that sometimes exist when in this state. It
not to cover these grilles with items such as rugs, covers or curtains which will is not ideal to place loudspakers in the corners of a room as this will normally
restrict this air flow. Do not place the amplifier on a soft surface as this may colour the audible content of the music with a lift in bass content. Although it
result in the bottom grille becoming restricted, and as a result may lead to is sometimes desirable to increase the bass response of your system, this
can lead to a ‘boomy’ bass which is not always desirable, and can be hard to
control. It should also be noted that firing loudspeakers onto a hard flat surface
can cause mid range and high frequency colouration as reflected sound
becomes part of the audible sound. This can lead to a harshness, or dead
spots through cancellation.
Do not place records, tapes or compact discs on top of the unit. Be aware that
after prolonged usage the chassis of this unit will become hot.
Never allow the amplifier to come into contact with water or liquids, and ensure
that small objects do not fall through the ventilation grilles. In the event of this
The best sound is always subjective to the listener, therefore we suggest you
happening, disconnect the wall plug form the mains supply immediately, and arrange your hi-fi to suit your own listening tastes, and sit back and enjoy the
contact your local dealer for service advice.
fruits of your labour.
Do not position the power cable such that it can be walked upon, or damaged
by regular traffic. Ensure that all other interconnecting cables such as speaker
cables or ancillary equipment leads, are stowed safely behind the unit, and
cannot be easily snagged or kicked thus causing possible damage to the unit.
Ensure that all interconnetion cables have been fitted correctly, and that
polarity has been maintained. This is especially important when connecting
loudspeakers to this amplifier. On the rear panel, binding post speaker outputs
are provided. These are coloured red for positive, and black for negative.
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When you unpack the amplifier from the box, all music settings will be at
default values. These can be altered according to your listening tastes; these
new settings will be retained within the memory of the amplifier and will remain
set even after switchiing off this system.
This SP101 amplifier is fitted with a digital user interface which allows
complete control of the features of this amplifier.
The menu structure of this product is as follows:
This amplifier is fitted with 6 inputs for connections to the following external
• Phono (turntable)
• Tuner (AM + FM)
• Tape / Aux line input source
• CD
• DVD (stereo only)
• DAB tuner
These will be connected to the rear panel as indicated in the connection
diagram on the previous page.
To change which input source is listened to, press once the switch below the
corresponding piece of equipment which is required. Pressing another input
source switch will change which music source is listened to.
The LCD display will show the corresponding input source selected on line
2 of the display, this will change according to which input selector switch is
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The default setting for the user interface control is the ‘volume’ setting. This will This amplifier is fitted with a bass control which offers +/-14dB attenuation
be displayed on line one of the LCD display as a numeric dB value.
around the centre bass frequency of 100Hz, and +/-3dB across the frequency
range of 45Hz to 259Hz.
To alter this bass control press the function button once, this will change the
LCD display for bass control.
Note: dB values are a professional indication of the amplitude of an audio
signal with full or maximum output achieved normally at 0dB. You will notice
the LCD display on this amplifier will read minus dB figures up until zero which
will indicate maximum output.
The rotary control (10) can be turned both clockwise and anticlockwise to alter
the dB signal. There are 64 steps in total which range from -78.75dB for nil
volume, to 0dB which will provide maximum output.
The last setting for the bass will be displayed.
To change the bass setting turn the rotary control (10) either clockwise or
We have also provided a bar graph display on line 2 of the LCD display, which anticlockwise to increase or decrease the bass content.
indicates the status of the volume control when rotated. There are 16 squares There are 7 steps around the centre position for +/- attenuation, adjust this
) which run from left to right and will change pro-rata to the increase or control to your desired listening level.
decrease in volume
This display will replace the input music source description on line 2 of the LCD Attention: Please note that due to the level of boost available on this bass
display while the volume control is operated. This bar graph display will remain control, that prolonged use of this amplifier at high levels with an increased
for a period of approx 5 seconds following the end of this volume change and bass content may cause permanent damage to your speakers. Please operate
will then return to indicate the input music source as the default following this this system within the safe working limits of any ancillary equipment that is
connected to it.
Note: following this operation, the LCD display will return to indicate the default
volume setting if no operation occurs within 5 seconds. To reactivate bass
control it will be necessary to press the function button again.
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This amplifier is fitted with a treble control which offers +/-14dB attenuation
around the centre frequency of 10Khz, and 6dB across the frequency range
of 2Khz to 20Khz.
This amplifier is fitted with a balance control which allows the volume of the left
and right signals of the stereo image to be altered in order to compensate for
an off-centre listening position.
To alter this treble control press the function button (9) twice to change the LCD To activate the balance control press the function key (9) three times to change
display from bass control to treble control.
the LCD display to the balance control.
Attention: Please note that due to the level of boost available on this treble
control, please be aware that prolonged use of this amplifier at high levels with
an increased treble content may cause permanent damage to your speakers.
Please operate this system within the safe working limits of any ancillary
equipment that is connected to it.
The last setting for the balance will be displayed.
To change this balance setting turn the rotary control (10) either clockwise or
anticlockwise to decrease the signal levels in either the right or left speakers.
There are 32 steps around the centre position for attenuation, adjust this
control for your desired listening balance.
The last setting for the treble will be displayed.
To change the treble setting turn the rotary control (10) either clockwise or Note: following this operation, the LCD display will return to indicate the default
anticlockwise to increase or decrease the treble content. volume setting if no operation occurs within 5 seconds. To reactivate balance
There are 7 steps around the centre position for +/- attenuation, adjust this control it will be necessary to press the function button again three times.
control for your desired listening level.
Note: following this operation, the LCD display will return to indicate the default
volume setting if no operation occurs within 5 seconds. To reactivate treble
control it will be necessary to press the function button again twice.
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This amplifier is fitted with a loudness control which provides a boost to lower This amplifier is fitted with a loudspeaker control which allows the loudspeakers
frequencies at lower listening volumes.
to be turned off when listening through headphones
This creates the effect of increasing the perceived amount of bass / mid
content in the music when playing the amplifier at a lower level. This control is To activate the speaker control press the function key again five times to
effective on frequencies between 20Hz and 800Hz and its effect decreases as
the amplifier volume level is increased. When the amplifier volume reaches its
maximum, the effect this loudness control has is negligible.
change the LCD display to the speaker control.
To activate this loudness control press the function key (9) four times to change
the LCD display to the loudness control.
The last setting for the loudspeakers will be displayed.
To change this speaker setting turn the rotary control (10) either clockwise or
anticlockwise to change the setting from on to off or vice versa.
As the rotary control is turned from on to off and back again, the loudspeakers
will switch on or off automatically, there is no need to press any further button
to activate this control.
The last setting for loudness will be displayed.
To select the loudness setting turn the rotary control (10) either clockwise or
anticlockwise to change the setting from on to off or vice versa.
Following this operation, the LCD display will return to indicate the default
volume setting if no operation occurs within 5 seconds. To reactivate the
loudspeaker control it will be necessary to press the function button again five
Once selected, the loudness feature will activate automatically, there is no
need to press any further buttons to activate this control.
Following this operation, the LCD display will return to indicate the default
volume setting if no operation occurs within 5 seconds. To reactivate loudness
control it will be necessary to press the function button again four times.
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No power when switched on • Mains socket not switched on, or faulty.
• Plug not fully inserted into wall socket
• Mains fuse has blown in plug.
Will not play or make tape
• Tape input / output connections reversed.
Weak bass, diffused stereo
• Speaker connections out of phase,
check + and – terminals are connected to
corresponding terminals on both amp and
• Internal mains fuse has blown inside unit,
this will need to be replaced by a qualified
service technician
• Power cord has become damaged, this
should be replaced immediately by a
qualified service technician.
Distorted sound
• Frayed wires may be touching on speaker
terminals causing distortion.
• Bass and treble controls may be set too
high for loudspeaker specification.
• Volume control may be set too high.
No sound
• Power not turned on.
• Speaker setting is off on function menu
(see page 13)
• Volume setting is low (see page 8)
• Loudspeaker cables are not connected
(see page 6)
• No input audio equipment is connected, or
is faulty (see page 6)
LCD display not working
• Internal fault would need servicing by a
qualified service technician
LCD display reads ‘Error 1’
• Internal fault would need servicing by a
qualified service technician
Audio input source switches • Internal fault would need servicing by a
not working qualified service technician
• Correct audio input source not selected on
front panel (see page 7)
No sound in one channel
• Balance control set incorrectly (see page
• Audio source input cables connected
incorrectly, or are damaged.
• Audio input source faulty.
• Loudspeaker cables connected incorrectly,
or are damaged.
To clean the amplifier, wipe the case with a slightly moist lint-free cloth. Do not
use any cleaning fluids containing alcohol, ammonia or abrasives.
Do not spray a aerosol at, or near, the amplifier.
Always use original packaging if it is necessary to transport the unit at any
• Loudspeakers are faulty.
Loud buzz or hum
• Audio input cables damaged or not
correctly connected.
• Turntable earth lead incorrectly fitted.
• Turntable head shell incorrectly fitted.
• Tape machine sited too close to amplifier,
or TV.
If this unit is used in a dusty environment, it may be necessary to have the
unit serviced at your local dealer periodically. It is not advisable to allow large
deposits of dust to accumulate within this unit as it may prevent correct cooling.
Similarly dust deposits which become damp can sometimes lead to electrical
problems which may cause severe damage to the delicate electronics within
this unit.
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We trust you are completely satisfied with this product from Acoustic Solutions
Limited, however please feel free to contact us if you experience any difficulties,
or if you would like to express your views regarding our products.
Input impedance 47kΩ
Input sensitivity 3.8mV (to suit magnetic cartridges)
Please write to:
Input impedance 47kΩ
Input sensitivity 250mV (Tape/AUX, tuner, DAB)
650mV (CD & DVD)
Acoustic Solutions Limited.
Grand Union Buildings
54 High Street
Weedon Bec
Output impedance:
Line out 100kΩ
Headphones 300Ω
Maximum output level -
United Kingdom
Line out 740mV
Headphones 1.25V @ 30Ω
Telephone +44 (0)1327 340601
Fax: +44 (0)1327 342298
Treble +/- 14dB @ 10KHz (+0,- 3dB)
Bass +/- 14dB @ 100Hz (+0,- 3dB)
email: enquiries@acousticsolutions.co.uk
POWER OUTPUT 2 x 40 watts RMS @ 4Ω
2 x 30 watts RMS @ 8Ω
Through the process of continuous improvement, Acoustic Solutions Limited
reserves the right to change or alter specifications without prior notice. E&OE
FREQUENCY RESPONSE 10Hz to 50kHz (-3dB points)
DISTORTION less than 0.05 @ 1watt
VOLTAGE/ POWER As specified on rear panel
Dimensions in mm (WxDxH) 430x230x80mm(+12mm feet)
Net weight 5.3Kg
Shipping weight 6.5Kg
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