How To | Configure the WLAN with QoS
This How to Note explains how to configure Quality of Service (QoS) in a wireless
Local Area Network to prioritize traffic under busy conditions.
There is an example scenario provided at the end of this document, which
describes the configuration for prioritizing voice traffic. This example could be
extended to cover a wider installation case.
For a complete description of the commands used in this document, please refer
to the following guide:
“AT-WR4600 Series – Command Reference Guide”.
PN 613-001665Rev. A
Table of contents
Trademarks........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Table of contents.............................................................................................................................................. 3
Overview........................................................................................................................................................... 4
What isWi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)............................................................................................................... 4
Why useWi-Fi Multimedia? ........................................................................................................................... 4
HowWi-Fi Multimedia works........................................................................................................................ 5
How to configureWi-Fi Multimedia............................................................................................................. 7
Connecting AT-WR4600 products................................................................................................................ 8
Using QoS to prioritize voice traffic ...................................................................... 10
Common setup ................................................................................................... 11
Page 3 | How To: Configure the WLAN with QoS
What is Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)
The Wi-Fi Alliance defined WMM as a subset of the IEEE 802.11e standard to
support QoS on wireless networks. WMM offers a mechanism to prioritize traffic
demands from different applications and grants an adequate support to
multimedia applications, thereby reducing the harmful effects caused by high
latency and throughput reductions.
Why use Wi-Fi Multimedia?
Multimedia and data-centric applications typically share the same network
resources, despite their conflicting requirements for data delivery. Without QoS,
the network offers a best-effort service, which means that applications have equal
opportunities to transfer data. WMM enables network managers to prioritize traffic
based on bandwidth requirements, especially delay-sensitive applications such as
Voice over Wireless LAN and streaming multimedia.
QoS policies play a key role when traffic load exceeds the capability of network
resources, or when some applications, like file transfers, consume the available
bandwidth. Based on services classification, WMM individually manages the
traffic classes to provide low latency, reliability, and a more predictable delay to
critical services.
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How Wi-Fi Multimedia works
In the IEEE 802.11 standard, the wireless nodes access the medium using the
“listen-before-talk” algorithm CSMA/CA-based 1 Distributed Coordination Function
(DCF). The wireless node transmits a frame once its checks indicate that the
medium is free for a period of distributed inter-frame space (DIFS) and a random
back-off time has elapsed. Otherwise, it defers the frame delivery. Note that
contention reduces the available bandwidth, because nodes must back off before
retrying to communicate.
DCF offers an efficient mechanism for transferring bursty traffic, but all nodes use
the same access method, consequently a real time data source will face
continuous contention with a large data transfer happening at the same time.
WMM provides two features that resolve contention and enable QoS:
Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA)
Hybrid Controlled Channel Access (HCCA)2
EDCA gives precedence to higher-priority traffic by means of a shorter arbitration
interframe space (AIFS) and contention windows (CW). The back off time is the
sum of predefined AIFS and a random value from 0 to CW, which is doubled at
addition, transmit opportunity (TXOP) bounds the time allocated to the node for
data delivery.
HCCAis a centralized access control facility coordinated by the access point,
which acts as point coordinator (PC). The PC collects the status of registered
stations (via polling) and provides them the permission for channel occupancy
and assigns, for example, the TXOP, the transmit start time and duration.
1 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance.
2 HCCAfacility is not delivered by current software release.
Page 5 | How To: Configure the WLAN with QoS
minimum wait (AIFS)
random backoff (CW)
AIFS = DIFS + 7 slots
CW = 0~15 slots
AIFS = DIFS + 3 slots
AIFS = DIFS + 2 slots
AIFS = DIFS + 2 slots
CW = 0~15 slots
CW = 0~7 slots
CW = 0~3 slots
slot time
EIFS (optional)
contention window
backoff slots
busy medium
Interframe spaces:
short interframe space
PCF interframe space
DCF interframe space
arbitration interframe space
extended interframe space
- used by HCCA facility
- used by QoS facility
- used to extend the DIFS in case no ACK is received in time
Note, the node delivering data waits for DIFS before sending next frame and, within that interval, the receiver replies
the ACKnowledgement frame to confirm the reception succeeded.
It may happen the receiver delays the replay, due to the signal propagation on long distance link or additional time is
required by receiver for decoding and error recovery; in that case, EIFS is included giving the opportunity to return the
Figure 1 – WMM access timing
WMM requires that the clients running multimedia applications assign the
appropriate priority level to the generated data traffic and that network
infrastructure consistently applies QoS policies.
WMM derives four Access Categories from IEEE 802.1D Class of Service (CoS)
as depicted by Table 2.
Within the wireless node, the WMM manages four independent transmit queues,
one per access category, and dispatches to them incoming packets depending on
the assigned Layer 3 differentiated service field (TOS/DSCP). Packet forwarding
will happen basing on transmit opportunities.
Table 2 - WMM Access Categories and IEEE 802.1d tag mapping
IEEE 802.1D
Traffic Types
Low-latency and toll voice quality
SDTV and HDTV streaming
Traffic less sensitive of latency, but
affected by delays
6, 7
4, 5
0, 3
Highest -1
Lower + 1
Low priority traffic without throughput
constraint (i.e. file transfer)
1, 2
Page 6 | How To: Configure the WLAN with QoS
How to configure Wi-Fi Multimedia
Use the command: traffic-class to set the EDCA back off criteria for the required
WMM access category:
traffic-class [background|best-effort|video|voice]
cw-min <0-10> cw-max <0-10> fixed-slot <2-20>
no traffic-class [background|best-effort|video|voice]
On collisions, WMM sets the back off time within the CWmin range and uses a
persistence factor (PF) as the coefficient that multiplies the contention window
size in successive retransmission attempts following a collision.
WMM setup may only be entered on a wireless node with an access point role.
It will distribute the QoS policies to “slave” nodes, for example, non-root bridge,
workgroup-bridge, etc.
Parameter descriptions
cw-min (Contention Window minimum)
That is the random wait time before retrying the transmission; the initial size of the
contention window is within 0~CWmin back off slots.
The value specifies the number of back off slots as a power of 2n -1; in example,
cw-min 3
cw-min 0
means 23-1=7 back off slots.
means 20-1=0 back off slots.
cw-max (Contention Window maximum)
That is the maximum size of the contention window.
The value specifies the number of back off slots as a power of 2n -1.
fixed-slot (Arbitrary Inter-Frame Space)
That is the predefined idle time that the station waits before starting the contention
window (CW) .
The value specifies the number of back off slots.
Refer to “AT-WR4600 – Command Reference Guide”, for default settings and
recommended configuration for the different WLAN topologies (access point,
bridging, etc.).
Page 7 | How To: Configure the WLAN with QoS
Connecting AT-WR4600 products
There are two options for accessing the Command Line Interface of the devices:
SSH remote shell, using any text-mode SSH client software.
RS-232 Line Driver/Receiver that provides a standard DTE console interface;
note, this is optional and is not always available.
Accessing the device via SSH
The Secure Shell (SSH) is an encrypted networking protocol, allowing the user to
configure the device through an Ethernet network. Microsoft does not supply SSH
tool. You can use an alternative program such as Tera Term Pro, which is
licensed under GPL2. The device is factory configured with the static IP address If the device is receiving an address from a DHCP server, please
check the assigned IP address.
Accessing the device via RS-232
To access the device, you can use either the build-in Microsoft HyperTerminal
(note it was removed from Windows Vista and later versions) or an alternative
program such as Tera Term Pro.
The settings of the serial terminal are as follows.
Transmission rate
Data length
Stop bit
8 bit
Flow control
Page 8 | How To: Configure the WLAN with QoS
Accessing the CLI
Enter the login and password via the terminal console (SSH or RS-232). Note, by
default, the login name is manager and the password is friend.
AT-WR4600 login: manager
Feb 9 10:35:07 AT-WR4600 login[6898]: root login on 'ttyS0'
I oooooo
Copyright (C) 2012 Allied Telesis International
All rights reserved.
AT-WR4600> enable
Page 9 | How To: Configure the WLAN with QoS
Configuration example
This configuration example starts with the Command Line Interface already set to
Global configuration mode:
AT-WR4600#configure terminal
On setup completion, run the command show running-config to verify the
applied configuration.
All of the examples in this document provide the minimum set of commands
useful for configuring the WMM, regardless of other services like bridging, and
security etc.
Using QoS to prioritize voice traffic
This example applies the QoS policy to support voice traffic.
Wireless nodes belong to a Wireless Distribution System working in 5GHz bands,
while the access to a wireless LAN is offered in 2GHz bands.
Figure 2 – QoS giving preference to voice traffic
Page 10 | How To: Configure the WLAN with QoS
Common setup
To restore the factory configuration on any device, enter the following commands:
AT-WR4600#copy nvram:/factory-config-bridged startup-config
Configure the common SSID for open authentication:
AT-WR4600(config)#dot11 ssid ATIopen
AT-WR4600(config-ssid)#authentication open
Page 11 | How To: Configure the WLAN with QoS
[Bridge0] station role: root bridge
Assign the static IP address:
AT-WR4600(config)#interface vlan1.1
AT-WR4600(config-if)#no ip address dhcp
AT-WR4600(config-if)#ip address
Configure the station role, the SSID and WMM to the radio interface 0 for bridging:
AT-WR4600(config)#interface dot11radio 0
AT-WR4600(config-if)#protocol-family an
AT-WR4600(config-if)#station-role root bridge
AT-WR4600(config-if)#ssid ATIopen
AT-WR4600(config-if)#bridge-group 1
AT-WR4600(config-if)#traffic-class voice cw-min 2 cw-max 4
fixed-slot 2
AT-WR4600(config-if)#traffic-class best-effort cw-min 4 cw-max 10
fixed-slot 3
AT-WR4600(config-if)#no shutdown
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[Bridge1] station role: non-root bridge
[AP1] station role: root access-point
Assign the static IP address:
AT-WR4600(config)#interface vlan1.1
AT-WR4600(config-if)#no ip address dhcp
AT-WR4600(config-if)#ip address
Configure the station role and the SSID to the radio interface 0 for bridging:
AT-WR4600(config)#interface dot11radio 0
AT-WR4600(config-if)#protocol-family an
AT-WR4600(config-if)#station-role non-root bridge
AT-WR4600(config-if)#ssid ATIopen
AT-WR4600(config-if)#bridge-group 1
AT-WR4600(config-if)#no shutdown
Configure the station role, the SSID and WMM to the radio interface 1 for access:
AT-WR4600(config)#interface dot11radio 1
AT-WR4600(config-if)#protocol-family bg
AT-WR4600(config-if)#station-role root access-point
AT-WR4600(config-if)#ssid ATIopen
AT-WR4600(config-if)#bridge-group 1
AT-WR4600(config-if)#traffic-class voice cw-min 2 cw-max 4
fixed-slot 2
AT-WR4600(config-if)#traffic-class best-effort cw-min 4 cw-max 10
fixed-slot 3
AT-WR4600(config-if)#no shutdown
Page 13 | How To: Configure the WLAN with QoS
[Bridge2] station role: non-root bridge
Assign the static IP address:
AT-WR4600(config)#interface vlan1.1
AT-WR4600(config-if)#no ip address dhcp
AT-WR4600(config-if)#ip address
Configure the station role and the SSID to the radio interface for bridging:
AT-WR4600(config)#interface dot11radio 0
AT-WR4600(config-if)#protocol-family an
AT-WR4600(config-if)#station-role non-root bridge
AT-WR4600(config-if)#ssid ATIopen
AT-WR4600(config-if)#bridge-group 1
AT-WR4600(config-if)#no shutdown
2012 Allied Telesis, Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Allied Telesis is a trademark or registered trademark of Allied Telesis, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
All company names, logos, and product designs that are trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
PN 613-001665 Rev.A
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